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About Michigan Women's Psychology Services

Michigan Women's Psychology Services was created based on a variety of impactful professional experiences with women acquired over the last 9 years. 

        "In Grand Rapids, MI I began exploring volunteer opportunities in the field of social work. I did administrative work in a homeless shelter for families, supported a woman in hospice care until her death, and learned about domestic violence/sexual abuse in a domestic violence shelter for women and children. These initial experiences solidified my interest in social work and encouraged me to apply for graduate school at Grand Valley State University.

        Once accepted into GVSU, I began an internship at a local mental health agency. I was an intern therapist doing home-based social work with mothers coping with substance use disorders. This internship helped me realize that part of my specialization must focus on women. Doing social work for women as a woman felt like the most authentic work I had done yet. Sharing the fundamental understanding of womanhood between myself as the therapist and my client became a dynamic I thrived in and wanted to continue.

        After graduating with honors from GVSU and moving to the East side of the state, I continued my developing career as a therapist working with young women and children at a homeless shelter in Detroit, MI. I worked as an individual and group therapist and also provided resources to homeless women in the crisis center. Following this experience, I began work at a mental health agency in Lincoln Park, MI in a school-based setting as a children's therapist. This position allowed me to foster relationships with their families, further developing my understanding of motherhood and its complexities. At the same agency, I transitioned into providing mental health therapy to adults with varying diagnoses. I took this professional opportunity to learn a variety of therapeutic modalities with the aid of supervised work experience and specialized trainings. This instilled in me the ability to treat a range of mental health disorders. Doing so validated my decision to specialize in women's issues as I consistently found myself able to relate and understand mental health from their perspectives.


        Over time and great effort, I was able to open my own private practice to do the work I have loved for many years in a number of settings. I am confident that my background successfully demonstrates my dedication to providing quality mental health care to the female population."

Thank you for reading, 

-Margaret Elsesser LMSW CAADC

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